In Memory of Cimmy

In Memory of Cimmy

Cimmy was the first cat to enter Laps and Naps’ long-term foster program, Senior Laps for Senior Cats. He was surrendered to us at the age of eighteen, seemingly in excellent health. His senior foster provider was not an experienced cat caregiver and Cimmy was the perfect “starter cat” because he was so loving and had no discernible bad habits. It did not take long for Cimmy to settle in his new home and he spent many happy hours resting on the lap of his new person and purring her to sleep at night. Both parties were very happy with one another!

Sadly, Cimmy stopped eating at week eight and x-rays revealed a mass in his lungs, believed to be cancer. We did not have to make the decision to help Cimmy transition out of his ailing body because he died at home shortly after returning from his vet visit. We were all heartbroken and still mourn his passing.

Cimmy showed us how quickly bonds can be formed between senior cats and their caregivers, despite having to leave the home where he spent his first seventeen years. While each cat is different, Cimmy knew that he was wanted and would receive care in his new home and he basked in the love and attention lavished on him. While Cimmy was not with us long, his final eight weeks were good ones for him.

Cimmy was “our first” and, with his soft little paws, padded his way into our hearts. A memorial contribution in his name is going to provide the seed money to kick off our capital campaign to build our senior cat sanctuary. Through his legacy, many other senior cats will enjoy loving care in their final years and days.

Rest In Peace, dear Cimmy. You are loved!